This website is based on a collection of recipes and the food adventures of myself and my daughter. I am not a professionally trained chef, but a home cook, who likes to cook, bake and share my creations with others. This site (much like the cook who runs it) is a "work in progress", and I may change the themes, settings and aesthetics of the website.
Unless mentioned otherwise, these recipes are my creations or have been inspired by existing recipes, stories or dishes. These have been made to suit my palette and preferences. While recreating these, you may not achieve the same outcome due to numerous reasons including, but not limited to, ability or skill level, quality of ingredients, ingredient substitutions, cooking equipment, weather conditions etc. Therefore, users are requested to use their discretion before using information on this blog.
As the writer of Podi Hands Cook, I do not assume responsibility or liability for any consequences that result directly or indirectly from any action or inaction taken as a result of following information contained on this blog or in any linked materials. I do not accept any legal liability or responsibility for any injury, loss, or damage incurred by the use of, or reliance upon, or interpretation of any information contained on this website. Therefore, readers are to use their discretion should they choose to cook and/or consume the dishes made from recipes found on this site.
Unless otherwise indicated, all content on this website is my exclusive property. This includes, but is not limited to, all written material in any form or content and all photographs. Unauthorized use and/or duplication or republication of any form of material in this blog is prohibited.
However, if you would like to share these recipes or stories with others on social media, this is permitted Provided That you credit the recipe/story to #podihandscook and/or share the link to our website
The recipes on this website are for the personal use of home cooks only and are NOT for commercial purposes (unless stated otherwise). “Commercial” is defined as making money from the sale of a product. If you wish to work with me regarding the development of recipes for commercial purposes, please get in touch with me.